Inverness Village Condominium Association Inverness Village Condominium Association
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Making Payments:

Mail your payments to:

Integrity Tax & Bookkeeping
4411 E Arlington St.
Inverness FL 34453

or make a payment in the Office at Inverness Village Condominium Association.


Board Members
President John Loomis  
Vice President Geri Morace 239-896-0065
Secretary Cathy Boyer 727-505-3480
Treasurer Jim Marzullo 404-906-9290


Property Manager

Inverness Village Main Office

2400 Forest Drive,
Inverness, FL 34453
Phone: (352) 726-9117
Email: [email protected]

Welcome to the Inverness Village Condominium Association

Inverness Village Condominium Association is a 55+Adult deed restricted community located in Inverness, FL. Inverness Village was developed in 1976 and has 128 condo units as well as a community clubhouse, office, and community pool. Inverness Village is overseen by a community elected Board of Directors and a Onsite Property Manager. 

Office staff will be at the office from 9:30am-12:30pm Monday- Friday.

Board Meetings are the 3rd Tuesday night every month at 6pm in the clubhouse. Agenda’s are posted at the office board and at the clubhouse board the Friday before the meeting.

Any calls can be directed to the Board of Directors anytime via phone voicemail or email.

Emergency Phone Numbers

237-2888-Mike Scott Plumbing            352

Animal Control                      352-726-1121
Bug Out                                 352-259-0781
Duke Power outage              800-228-8485
Sheriff’s Office                      352-726-4488